martes, 16 de mayo de 2023

RUTINA DE ESPALDA - imposible fallar! (Martes) gym topz


3 comentarios:

  1. Hello everyone, my name is Diego de la Fuente Rodriguez, I am a student at San Gregorio school and I have chosen this video because it seems to me that the back routine that the boy does is one of the best for beginners or advanced students in the gym, he starts by rowing for warm up followed by pulling the chest for the back, then I go back to do two different rows to work all that is the density of the back and ends up doing the pull over to finish the training since it is the best exercise in my opinion, I hope you like it have served

  2. Hello, my name is Daira Terán Merino and I chose that Diego video because I see interesting to do a back rutine because is something that we don't see usual to do in aour fitness plan but if you want to see you phisically well is a good way to done this type of rutine. Also the boy of the video tell us some tricks for how to do well and give the maximun to stay fit.
    I hope ypu like my comment.

  3. hello my name is Mario and I have chosen this video besides that it encourages you to watch it because of the image of the video because I think it is good to have a good reference, to know how to perform the different exercises and this video is one of the best I have Seen from behind, as the guy in my video says, he also says the same about having a progression so that the muscles adapt and take shape. and once you have the shape of your muscles you can either gain more volume or just maintain it and define it.
    This has been my comment.


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