martes, 3 de noviembre de 2020



2 comentarios:

  1. As we are starting the "Speed" lessons, here are some few exercises we can do to improve our speed:

    1. Wall Drives: It's very important to have a good start in speed. Stand in front of a wall and run into this wall, achieving triple extension (hip extension, knee extension, ankle plantar flexion) on your back leg, and drive your front knee forward and up to hip height. Mimic this movement when running sprints to ensure a powerful start

    2. Perform Heavy Sled Drags
    Kind alike wall drives, but with weight. The key hereis to achieve triple extension on the back leg while powerfully driving your front knee forward.

    3. Develop Isometric and Eccentric Hamstring Strength
    The best way to train your hamstrings to improve running speed is to perform eccentric and isometric exercises.
    For isometric strength, do Bent-Knee Hip Thrusts.
    For eccentric strength, do Glute/Ham Raises

    4. Use Good Arm Swing Mechanics
    An easy way to speed up your sprint is to make sure your arms are moving efficiently. Keep your elbows at 90 degrees and bring each hand up in front of your face. Maintain focus on your arm swing to improve speed.

  2. Hi Sara, I really liked your video since it explains some very useful tips to improve our speed and be faster.
    Some of these tips have seemed very interesting to me, such as trying not to touch the ground, being as upright or as possible, or the great importance of the arms and how to use them to help us when running.
    I also liked the fact that it shows some exercises to improve our flexibility, which are very simple, while correcting the other person, in such a way that you can see which are the most common errors and how to correct them to do them properly.
    The fact that the video explains how to improve speed in a sport, specifically in football, I also liked, since in this way you can see the importance of speed in different sports.
    Therefore I found this video very interesting as it helps us improve speed when we don't know how to start, or what exercises to do, or how to do them.


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