domingo, 9 de febrero de 2025

Desbloquea tu movilidad en 5 minutos (ESTIRAMIENTO DIARIO)


4 comentarios:

  1. In this video, we can see a really easy stretch daily routine that unlocks your mobility. The guy in the video explains the importance of articular mobility, and he says that it is vital for every person to stretch the body. The lack of exercise and articular movement affect our shoulders, hips, back, and ankles, among others. I think that every person should look out for their welfare and it doesn't cost much to improve your health by doing just five minutes of stretching every day. For example, you can do this routine as soon as you wake up.

  2. In this video, we can see a tutorial on how to train some daily exercises trying to not lose our mobility. These exercises are focused on three areas, the hips, the back, and the ankles. Some of these exercises are a type of squat, thoracic rotations, a stretching of our back in a quadruped position, or a slipping of our arms using a wall. In my opinion, people should start applying these exercises to their routines because it will benefit their welfare. In my case, flexibility is not my strongest point, and knowing the technique of these exercises will help me to increase my flexibility.

  3. In this video, we can see different types of stretching which could help us recover after physical activity and prevent future injuries, providing health and security. It also assists us with our mobility, which could help in sprints and endurance. This training focuses on the upper back, waist, and ankles preventing sprains. At first, he starts with a yoga pose which is the cow and cat movement, principally this exercise focuses on back mobility. Then weist stretching. Then, an isometric stretch for 30 seconds regarding our waist and ankles. Thoracic rotations also help us with our upper back mobility. To finish the back stretching with the help of a wall, which will also help our posture.

  4. In this video, we can see a streching routine for increase your mobility and also prevent injuries and lost of movility in the future. He explains perfectly why is so important doing these type of activities and how you have to do the exercise that are focused on the back, hips and ankles. We can see that the isometric streches are not the only ones that benefits our body. In my point of view this short routines can benefit your body and health a lot because with a few minutes every day you could be much healthier and it can be done by almost all people.


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