lunes, 5 de febrero de 2024

How to improve horizontal jump


4 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Hello, I'm Silvia and I have chosen this video because it explains very well how we can see techniques to do the jump well and prevent any injury, it explains all the steps to do and the exercises to improve. This video is for everyone, that is, everyone can learn from it because it is not for advanced people.
    It is very clear how to do the test well, techniques that you can practice a few times if you are stuck on a mark and thus you will be able to gain many centimeters and get a good score on the test. Bye bye.

  3. Hello i am Tianlan Yang, This video provides a clear introduction to issues that can arise during long jump, and I find it very practical for improving the technique. I'll give a few examples: the first is swaying too slowly before the jump, the second is excessive swaying, the third is too many sways, and the fourth is excessive bending of the front leg before takeoff. You can see a very obvious contrast in this video, and I hope you find it helpful.

  4. Hello i am África Crespo and i like this video because is more interesting by me. I play runing but in this discipline you also practice length jumping. In this video the boy expleins how to inprove in length jumping and what he seys is very similar that my coach expleins my when i practice this discipline. I thinck is a good video to improve your marcks but you must not forguet that you have to be constant.


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