domingo, 25 de febrero de 2018


2 comentarios:

  1. Hello, I'm Héctor and in this post I'm going to explain to you, why for me speed is one of the most important physical capacity. Speed as you can think is all related to run fast or move your feet as fast as you can, or to move the deferents parts of your body. For me is more than that, is you capacity to react from one signal in the minimum time possible. For different types of sports this are crucial, because if you have a good reactions, you can win several seconds and be faster than you rivals. I hope you will enjoy this video of the most important record of Usain Bolt in the World Series of Berlin.

  2. Hi! I'm Sofia, a student of 1st bachiller in San Gregorio School. I decided to comment the post of my partner Héctor, because I think it is really interesting.
    In this assessment we are playing games and sports in which you have to run in all of them, it is so funny.
    The video consists in a 100m race, in which Usain Bolt wins. He is the best runner of the world who beats the world record.
    To get that world record, you must train a lot everyday and learn how to do it well.
    I hope you like the video and my comment, bye!


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