martes, 13 de febrero de 2018

What happens to the body during a Marathon

1 comentario:

  1. Hello!
    This time, I’m going to comment the video I uploaded related with endurance.

    Firstly, I posted this video because I found interesting how this phycologist explains what happens to the body while running a marathon. A marathon, is a long-distance running race around 42 kilometers, which means it is an endurance activity. In class, we have been dealing with endurance and improving it, but of course, not for running a marathon. Running a marathon requires a lot of train and work. At the same time, you need to have muscles prepare to resist and so they have principally red fibers. Other important factors as well, are doing an efficient running and managing the breathing, which in my opinion isn´t easy. A well hydration, cooling down and recovery complete a good performance in a marathon.

    I hope you enjoy and find helpful my post.


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