martes, 3 de mayo de 2022



3 comentarios:

  1. Hello I am Hugo Paredes and I have choose this video because I like a lot the football and when I cannot train I think if I can do something to improve my speed because I don't have a lot of speed and I want to run more, and watching this video I have see that I could do this exercises to run more. I think that all football players must do this exercises when they can't go out to train because I think they are so good. I think that doing this exercises once a week you are going to run more and have more speed and a better physic condition.

  2. Hello I´m Javier Bravo and I have chosen this video because I like football and I see very interesting this exercices to improve the speed to play football. The first thing we have to do is jump for 30 seconds with the tip of your feet. The second thing is paint a square in the floor and jump doing a cross, we have to do it for 6 times. And the last thing is to put the right leg ahead the left and go changing places the legs, when the right leg goes ahead the left hand go up and twice.

  3. Hello, I'm Sofía Moral and I choose this video because I think you have to improve when you do exercise and each day be a little bit more faster in this case. This video explain some exercises you can do to improve your speed. It explains a way that is use to improve your performance and do faster movements. The video presents six exercises you can do in your house. This exercises of speed are importants because you can do more distance running in a smaller period of time. I will do some of this exercises to improve my speed.


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