domingo, 8 de mayo de 2022



4 comentarios:

  1. This video explains how to create your own training routine correctly.
    I think it's a good idea to create your own workout plan because everyone is different. The video gives different tips that can help to adapt the exercises to each person.
    I liked that the girl in the video explains how many sets and repetitions you must do depending on what you want to improve: endurance, strength...
    The girl also explains how to adjust the exercises when your body gets used to them. I think this is very important because in this way you can always have an effective training adapted to your physical condition.

  2. I choosed this video because I never wonder about how to do a correct training.
    To be honest, I'm not very athlete but I want to try.
    It seems very good to me that there are so many options, since that way I can choose the best for my physical condition.
    I also like how well the times are indicated, how long each exercise lasts.
    Hopefully after this video I will be encouraged to do this type of activity more often.

  3. Good morning to all. First, I thank you for sharing this video, it has really helped me a lot.

    I have been watching several videos on how to create a training plan and I think this one is quite complete but I think it is missing some example exercises to know how to warm up correctly, how to do the training depending on the part of the body you want to exercise and also, how to calm down after doing all the training. But it can still help all of us design a training plan that fits our schedule.

    Have a nice day.

  4. I have chosen this video, since it begins with something that has caught my attention. What is it that gives importance to the place where the physical activity is going to be carried out? It is something that I, for example, do not give much importance to, and I was not aware that it is important. I also find it interesting that you highlight the importance of listening to one's own body. Since a training must be very personal, and you have to adapt it to your needs and also to your goals. It also specifies the repetitions that, for example, should be done for strength. And also the time in an endurance activity.


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