jueves, 12 de mayo de 2022

How to create your workout


2 comentarios:

  1. I have decided to post this video because in my opinion is very important to plan conscientiously the way you will train and the activities you can do because it can prevent some injuries. Also, doing a good warm up is so important because if you start doing activities without warming up the risk of having an injurie increases a lot. This is as important as stretching your muscles as soon as you finish doing activities.
    Also, it is important to be realistic to your physical form because it will have bad effects if you do more activity than the one you can actual do.

  2. I like the video Andrés has chosen because it shows what you can do to create a good, an effective workout without falling into the awfulness that details can have in themselves when being thrown at people who don’t know or don’t care about them either. It keeps things easy. One nuisance (at least for me it is) that I caught is that everything happens way too fast, he moves on from one exercise to the next with a celerity that can make his explanations hard to read. Don’t get me wrong, I think that, overall, it’s a great video, just wanted to point that thing out.


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