viernes, 10 de mayo de 2024

PERFECT RUNNING FORM - 5 Tips for Running Faster


3 comentarios:

  1. I think this video is going to be usefull for me, I've been running for two years and it's incredible how fast is to discorver upgrades. In running we do racing technique once in a while and that class changed my style, since then I don't get breathing problems but you can always improve. I think the part I should practice more is the brathing and the step frecuency. It unveliebable for me now to run at a fast rhytm and feel relaxed, it's true for me that I feel relaxed but improving as much as he says would be amazing.

  2. Nowadays running is a very common physical activity, either doing a sport of just going out for a run, but I think that most of the population does not really know what is the proper posture, the breaths we should do...really important information.
    In this video that show us which is the correct posture to go running, the pace at which we should run...
    It is a video that nobody would think of watching because we with we know how to run but we have to many fault that we should improve.

  3. Hello, I decided to comment on this video because I found it very interesting to learn about the technique. I practice athletics and I already knew part of it, even so I found the part of the cadence very interesting because I had never thought that it would be important to improve technique and performance. Also, I found it an interesting video for those people who have never had the opportunity to have someone teach them this sport, so they can practice it, as it is very beneficial for many aspects.


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