martes, 14 de mayo de 2024

Cardio Extremo de 35 minutos


4 comentarios:

  1. Hello, I'm Lorena García, and I chose this video because it is very similar to mine. From my point of view, I think that the exercises start in a very intense way, and if in theory, little by little you advance in intensity and level, it seems like a lot to me, at least for beginners. Likewise, the boy does some good exercises and explains them well, everyone can understand them. If you are a person who does a lot of sports or is used to doing a lot of cardio, I think it is a perfect video to start a new routine.

  2. Hello, I'm Marta and I have chosen this extreme training video that promises to burn 600 calories in 35 minutes.
    Something super important that I think is that the beginning teaches you how to warm up for a while to warm up.
    All the exercises with material tell you that it is not necessary, so this training is completely accessible to everyone, I like that because everyone can do it. Another aspect that I like about this video is that while doing the exercises it motivates you.
    It shows samples of all the exercises and how you have to do them.
    One thing I didn't like is that at the end it doesn't tell you how to stretch. But overall I really liked the video.

  3. Fatima: This is a video of a vigorous workout designed to increase your heart rate and burn calories efficiently. It would include a variety of high-intensity exercises, such as jumping jacks, burpees, sprints, and plyometric exercises. The intensity is kept high throughout the session to maximize fat burning and improve cardiovascular endurance. It is important to include short rest periods to briefly recover and avoid extreme exhaustion. This routine challenges the body and mind, helping to improve cardiovascular health, endurance and burn calories effectively.

  4. Hello Fatima, I have chosen your video because I see that it is a good way to exercise at home in a simple way, this video is very entertaining and explains it very well, the exercises are easy to do, first it starts normally and then it intensifies. exercises


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