viernes, 17 de mayo de 2024


3 comentarios:

  1. Hello, I'm Lorena García, and I have chosen this video because I think it is very useful for people who are going to start doing any type of sport. The exercises that the girl shows in the video are quite easy and she explains them very well, so I think that no one will find it difficult to understand and perform the exercises. Each exercise has a higher intensity, which is quite useful because this way you progress little by little. I liked the division you made in the video and the duration of the activities seems perfect to me.

  2. Hello, I'm Naiala and I have chosen this video to make my comment because I found it interesting, short but at the same time intense. I liked this video because the girl explains it clearly and visually, however I prefer to do sports outdoors and not at home because I feel like I clear my mind better. A plus point is that you don't need to buy any materials to follow the tutorial. Maintaining health is very important and if you don't know how to start doing it, these videos are really useful and with them you can either improve it or maintain it.

  3. Hey I am Tianlan. I think this is a very good exercise video, it has a very clear demonstration, she explains it very clearly, and there is a countdown between each , we just need to follow it, and there is no repetitive movement, so that we don't It will be boring. Also, the background music is nice and not too loud that you can't hear her introduction. It is 15 minutes in total, which is very suitable for beginners. I hope you like it.


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