domingo, 12 de mayo de 2024

Complete Week of Routines - Organize your weekly routine

1 comentario:

  1. I'm Carla and I have chosen this video because it seems to me that the weekly training is very well organized in this way and because it is quite complete, each day she does the training on a different part of the body, the first day she starts with the chest and does between eight and ten repetitions in each exercise and usually performs more than one series except for the warm-up ones, which he only does once. On the second day, back and for the warm-up he does twenty repetitions and performs two series, then he performs each exercise between eight and ten repetitions and does more than one series of each. On the third day he does the leg and in the warm-up he also performs 20 repetitions and two series then the exercises would be the same as the other days at the time of repetitions the rest of the days would be the same only changing parts then would come the warm-up of the shoulders and finally the arms.


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