jueves, 9 de mayo de 2024



3 comentarios:

  1. Hi, I'm Violeta and I have chose this video because I really like to see plays, but I don't think it's the most important thing because if you have speed you can beat a team that knows how to make plays.
    There is a play that I would like to comment on that starts at minute 15:45. I like it because its duration is very little and the ball moves very fast. There is also a player who goes towards the basket and since he does not look safe, he does not shoot and give a pass to one who is on the triple line. This also provoque the defenders difficult because it's going to be hard for them to follow the ball. Also we have to know that, in professional game, there is an attack time but as long as they do not exceed 24 seconds, it is well done.

  2. Hi, I'm Naroa and I'm here to comment on Violeta's video, the plays she says are interesting and the conclusion she comes to is that to have a good team you don't just need to know how to have a good game or tactics, you can also win them. At 8:53 a player passes in front of the whole team is amazing. I also find it interesting the kind of game they have in the NBA because they are very violent and at the same time the game is very fast.

  3. The video compiles the most thrilling moments from the 2021/22 NBA season. It showcases a diverse array of extraordinary plays, including electrifying dunks, game-winning shots, dazzling crossovers, pinpoint assists, and remarkable defensive stops. From superstar performances to unexpected highlights, the compilation captures the essence of basketball's excitement and skill. Fans can relive the season's most memorable moments, celebrating the athleticism, creativity, and competitiveness that define the NBA at its finest.


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