lunes, 3 de febrero de 2020

Workout tips

2 comentarios:

  1. I think that this video can be very usefull to many people because ir shows you some tips/hacks to improve in your workout. Many people can do some wrong this and with this video can correct them.
    Also, the girl gives you some hacks for example for embarrasing people that doesn´t feel very comfortable in the gym or other areas.
    Other thing that can help you is for example in the accesories that explain you to how for example what things are indispensable in your exercise bag.
    I hope that you enjoy with this video and have learn something new.
    Bye bye.

  2. Hi Rodrigo, I like this video so much because alltought I dont go to the gym the fad of the gym is so high and for that persons is so important to now that tricks or lifehacks.
    The sixth lifehack, maybe were a gymhack no??jaja, is so usefull because there are not better thing to improve your exercises or you own conditions is to make the things you must like and to practise the exercises you do better and then with the time improve it and take a progress.
    Thanks for the video Rodrigo is so usefull for people that likes the gym.


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