martes, 21 de enero de 2020

Flexibility Workout

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi! Im Teresa. I really found difficult to choose what video should I post but finally I came across this one. It's quite long but I found it very useful. This post is a 20 minutes workout to increase flexibility and also it is helpful for body's mobility. Exercices aren't difficult at all, the guy explain them quite detailed and he does them at the same time he explain them in order for you to have a reference you can copy and you can easily do them at home with a mat. The music is very relaxing and keep you out of tension.

  2. Hi Teresa! I liked so much your video because it can help many people and is so usefull because for exaple, some people don´t have a lot of flexibility and with this video can have a good and complete flexibility.
    Other thing that I liked so much is that this is a low-cost workout because you only need a soft floor to put and you don´t need to spend a lot of money in workout accesories.
    The tips are very good to improve all flexibility of the body and I really like your video.
    Good job Teresa.


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