sábado, 11 de noviembre de 2017



1 comentario:

  1. Hello to everybody!

    Welcome to my post. I'm sure you will like it! Now, I'm going to explain you the reasons of why I've chosen this video about throwing a frisbee properly for my task in this Physical Education blog:

    1- We have been playing with the frisbee the last two lessons, but we've failed a lot of passes because we didn't throw it correctly.

    2- I think, the video is well explained, because the person who talks about throwing the frisbee is an American professional player, who knows a lot of ways and tricks.

    3- There are a lot of ways to throw a frisbee, but the one that is explained, which is "Backhand", is the easiest way and the one we use the most.

    Some tips which will help you and that are mentioned in the video are:

    1- The position of the hand: The thumb should be on a ring of the frisbee. The index should be under the rim, with the ring and pinky fingers. The middle finger pushes towards the middle of the disc.

    2- The movement of the wrist: It is important to move the arm forwards while you are doing the wrist movement.

    3- Body rotation: While you are looking to the target, you should twist your body and turn your shoulders. At the end of the movement, your stomach should be facing towards the target. It is better if at the end of the movement you lift the back foot a little.

    Enjoy the video! After that, I am sure you will improve your playing style.

    I hope you had a great time watching my post!

    So long!


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