jueves, 19 de enero de 2017


1 comentario:

  1. Hello, I want to speak about speed, I think it is a very important part of physical fitness. Speed is about run de maxium fast you can, to train de speed you can make a lot of different practices, during de classes of physical education we are meaking a lot of differents things, like one exercise that you have to walk, run slowly and run with your maxium speed, you have to make this during seven minutes, this exercise is calling farlek; but there is a lot of different exercises for improvement your speed. In this video you can see the best runner of our time, Usain Bolt, he is from Jamaica and he won a lot of different awards for run too fast. For example he won eleven world awards and nine olympics and… too more! In this video you can watch her best races, to be where is this he have to train too hard.


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