jueves, 19 de enero de 2017

Increase speed and endurance


3 comentarios:

  1. I have chosssed this video because two main reasons, that are that the people especially the young people want to increse their endurance and speed also to football or basketball or other sports and the other reason is that this people usually don´t want to go to a gym and pay for it, so you can incresae the speed and endurance whit esay activities taht you can do in almost all the parts.

    In the video first explain some easy activities to increase your strengh and agility, and in the second part we can see some series for example 8x100 meters run, which are for increase the speed and others dor speed endurance for example 200 meters repeated 6 time.

    We use a lot the speed in the dairy live but is also importantto have endurance if you play some sports which I had said before.

  2. Hi Ruben I think your video is a good election to put in the blog. I agree with you that a lot of young people want to increse their endurece with easy activities , and I think is a very good thing because these reprensented that the young people want to be healthly.

    I think the video was very well explain very easy the activities andI may do one day in the sportzone.I like your video. Bye Angela

  3. I decide to talk about the video of my classmate Rubén because I think that this theme it's too original and interesting. With this video of two types of the endurance, aerobic endurance and anaerobic endurance, you can learn a lot. It is very important to work both of this physical capacities because, at the end, they are all related. You can be as fast as you want if you train it, but you have to acquire a minimum endurance to keep improving your speed.
    We hear a lot that a good training must include both strength training and aerobic one. Personal trainers recommend to start with strength exercises and finish with aerobic ones, so you can improve in your sessions and gain muscle.
    In resume, I think this video is really interesting and we should all include speed trainings and endurance trainings in the sports we practice.


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