sábado, 29 de octubre de 2022

how to act to a case of fainting?


1 comentario:

  1. Hello,
    My name is Diego and I am going to coment this and justify the resons why i have chosen it. Fistly, i think this problem is to common so everyone needs to now how to repond. This problem is casused by a momentary decrease of the blood presure produced by a hard emotion, lack of food, thisty, heat stroke ..., and produced a person become unconcios. This video of red cross show the steps to improve the estate of the person who happened. First, you have to put him on the floor in a save site, after you have to loosen their clothes, get up his legs, bend his hands and try to ventilate the area, with the only increase the blood presure.When the person start to be conscious, you have to get up his head.Thank you for read it, bye.


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