lunes, 31 de octubre de 2022

¿Cómo se detiene una hemorragia?


2 comentarios:

  1. Hello, I'm Nacho Fernández Medrano and I have chosen this video to comment on because it seems to me that it has the basic examples that we can find in accidents, etc. In 10 minutes, he explains how to plug the different hemorrhages depending on their severity, with the capillary as the least dangerous and the arterial as the most dangerous. In all of them we have to try to get as little blood out as possible, and get the wound to close as soon as possible. And before acting, always call the emergency so that specialists can treat the case.

  2. Hi I am Francisco de Dios Rojo a schoolmate of the Sangregorio School chosen this video to comment because for my opinion in this situation you have to no how to act. If you can reaction to a hemorrhage you can fort thus more easily. But if you didn’t know what do you have to reaction you should call to the 112 or go directly to the doctor to cure the hemorrhage. If you want to not have an hemorrhage have beware with the objects and do activities that didn’t have parts of dangerous and if you practise activities more dangerous do it with a lot of eye


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