miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2016


2 comentarios:

  1. I have chosen this video because it shows the steps that need to be taken in first aid.
    Also, in the video are very well these steps are:
    Look at vital signs, which are objective signals of how vital functions (consciousness, breathing and pulse) are found.
    After an initial evaluation, an initial evaluation of the patient should be performed, following a prioritization plan, looking at consciousness, assessing breathing, and assessing circulation and hemorrhage control, in that order.
    The next phase would be resuscitation, which must be performed simultaneously to the primary examination, at the time of identifying the problem.
    Following this would be the secondary exploration phase, where you should look for wounds, blows or pains in the consciousness, chest, neck, head or abdomen.
    Finally is the definitive treatment, which will be carried out by professionals in health centers.

  2. Hi Pablo!
    I like a lot your video , and I think that video reflected the basic thinks that we done this assesment . I found it really interesting and essential. It is a good video to explain the basics first aids in case of emergency , and if anyone one needs assistence before the medical professional came.For example, in a lot of sittuations we think that we have to do false myths, like put the head up in case of fainting or use a torniquet in external bleedings and this is better not to do it .
    To sum up, I think that you have done a very good job and this is importante for all the people to Know it.
    I jope that all the people enjoy this video ass me.


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