domingo, 29 de octubre de 2023

How to do CPR on an Adult


2 comentarios:

  1. Hello, I'm Marta and I have chosen this video of how to make a CPR because I think this girl explains very well and very easy to understand.
    He explains it with a doll that always helps.
    First begin explaining what you have to do if an accident occurs, first secure the area, call 112, then make sure you breathe and have a pulse, if not you have to start with the CPR maneuver that consists of placing the bottom of The hand in the center of the chest, place the other hand on top and press down in a fast and strong way 30 times. After this process they touch the reharms, which consist of putting the person's head back, clamping their nose and placing your mouth around yours and expulating our air into their lungs 2 times 5 seconds, then again the compressions and compressions and So until the doctors arrive or begin to breathe or beat the heart.

  2. Commented by Alba: Hello, I’m Alba and i have decided to watch this video since it is short and easy to understand. I think it is very good to know how to do CPR in case you ever have similar situation. It explains that you have to clear the area and see if the if the person os not breathing, do compressions for 30 seconds. I think it is very well explained.


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