viernes, 18 de octubre de 2019


2 comentarios:

  1. Hello everyone , In my post you are going to learn how to do First Aid correctly , They are going to teach us what to do when you see a person collapsed.
    In this video , they tell us how to remember what to do with INITIALS , that is soo usefull , and then they show you what to do in case of that situation , with a example of a real situation of this. I think this is very important , because in cases you can save the life of a person just doing this and calling 112. In my opinión everybody had to know how to do this.
    I hope you like it and understand!

  2. Hi Andrea. I really like your post and also the video.
    I learn a lot about how to do first aid and how to act in that situation.
    I also think the DR.ABC steps are very important to help the person and for the segurity of him.

    I think that everyone has to learn about this situations and how to act in all of they.
    I will share your post and investigate a little bit more about the cases.

    Thank you Andrea for all. You are making a great work posting this tipes of videos and also explaining it.



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