martes, 22 de octubre de 2019

10 First Aid Mistakes Explained by a porfessional

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi, I choose this video because it treats very well the situations that could happen in our day to day, and how we can solve them easely. It is a video with some very clear drawings and explanations that make the duration of the video more enjoyable. Also, the person who speaks and corrects these errors is a professional who knows about these situations or this matter.
    It talks about the most common mistakes that people often make in various situations and explains how to do things well so as not to make the situation worse or make the other person feel worse.

  2. Hello glory, I think this post is one of the most important ones I have seen since there are many things that we believe we know how to do well in first aid and we are making it worse.
    I was struck by point 6 that deals with a burn that we think you have to have your hand under the water for a few minutes and it's about 20 minutes and point 1 for me is the important one since we always do a tourniquet in a deep wound and large and you have to be careful because you can stop circulating blood and have to amputate. Thank you very much glory has been a great help.


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