viernes, 25 de mayo de 2018

Singles Rules | Badminton

1 comentario:

  1. Hi over there! I am María Fernández from 1 Bachiller of San Gregorio School and I decided to post a video of the most simple rules of playing badmiton, one of the sports we have been playing this term. Some of the rules are:
    • The aim is to hit the shuttle with your racket so that it passes over the net and lands inside your opponent’s half of the court. Whenever you do this, you have won a rally; win enough rallies, and you win the match.
    • If you think your opponent’s shot is going to land out, then you should let it fall to the floor. If you hit the shuttle instead, then the rally continues.
    • Once the shuttle touches the ground, the rally is over. In this respect, badminton is not like tennis or squash, where the ball can bounce.
    • You must hit the shuttle once only before it goes over the net (even in doubles). In this respect, badminton is not like volleyball, where multiple players can touch the ball before sending it back over the net.
    This is all, hope you understad, bye!!!


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