lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2022

How to do CPR on an Adult (Ages 12 and Older)


1 comentario:

  1. Hi, I'm Diego de la Fuente Rodriguez, and I'm going to explain a video that is uploaded by me.
    This video consists of a series of steps on how to do a CPR (Cardio pulmonary resuscitation). As I said in the other video of my colleague, they are THE SAME STEPS but this time a little more specialized. First of all, we check if the person is conscious and has a pulse, if he does not have one, we proceed to do it, we tilt the head so that the air enters well, we put our air twice and when you do 30 push a little above the sternum, until you breathe again, if we succeed we hold on until the professionals come it's the same as the previous video removing some part I hope it has served you until next


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