martes, 2 de noviembre de 2021

Fainting: Causes And Treatment

 Fainting Causes & Treatment - First Aid Training - St John Ambulance - YouTube

3 comentarios:

  1. I’ve chosen this video because I feel it explains rather well what the causes of fainting could be, but also, and most importantly, how to treat fainting. It sums up the core things you have to do if you see that a person’s fainting, all in a two minute video. I like how they prepared a scene for showing the audience how to treat fainting better (although the first and last step don’t have a convenient scene, but I don’t mind about it, because I don’t feel the necessity of having them in the video, for they are simple steps), and they explained as they acted. I also like how, at the end of the video, they reminded the audience the key points for treating fainting.

  2. Hello!
    I have chosen to make a comment in this video because, in my opinion, because a fainting can happen in any momment in any place and you don't expect that because a fainting is usually a sudden action and doing an useful and quickly answer to the faiting can keep the person alive or the person can die if you dont follow the correct steps that you have to follow in case of a fainting. Also, some people can be more susceptible to have faitings due to some ills so they have to be more careful with the things they do, especially doing physical exercise because, as more sport they do as more probabilities of having a fainting they have.

  3. I find this video very interesting because a blackout can happen anytime anywhere and you don't expect it because a blackout is usually a sudden action and making a helpful and quick response to the blackout can keep the person alive or the person can die if you don't follow the correct steps to take in case of fainting. In addition, some people may be more susceptible to fainting due to discomfort so they have to be more careful with the things they do, especially doing physical exercise because, the more sports they do, the more likely they are to faint.


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